+39 320 962 4929 | +237 695 871 181

About Us

At Green Innovative (GreIn) Engineering, we're driven by a profound belief: building goes beyond structures; it's about crafting a sustainable legacy. Founded with a vision to redefine construction in Africa, our journey is rooted in a passion for sustainability, innovation, and community.

Our Vision

Empowering Africa's future through sustainable construction excellence. Our vision is to revolutionize the continent's building industry by integrating innovative, eco-conscious practices and materials, fostering thriving communities and leaving a lasting legacy of environmental stewardship

Our Mission

Our mission is to pioneer sustainable construction practices in Africa, delivering innovative, eco-conscious solutions that not only build better and safer structures but also uplift communities. We strive to set new standards in the industry, merging cutting-edge technology with environmental responsibility, ensuring a brighter and safer future for generations to come.

Our Guiding Principles

  • Cultural Integration: Respect and integrate local cultures, traditions, and architectural heritage into our designs, fostering a sense of pride and identity within every structure.

  • Safety and Durability: Prioritize the safety and longevity of every construction project, ensuring that each building stands resilient against time, climate challenges, and natural disasters, safeguarding communities for generations.

  • Community Empowerment: Engage and uplift local communities by creating job opportunities, offering skills training, and involving them in the construction process, fostering a shared sense of ownership and growth.

  • Environmental Stewardship: Champion eco-friendly materials, renewable energy, and sustainable building practices, minimizing our ecological footprint and preserving Africa's breathtaking natural beauty for future generations.

  • Innovation and Quality: Commit to continuous innovation, leveraging cutting-edge technology and the highest quality standards to deliver innovative solutions that surpass expectations, setting new benchmarks in the industry.

  • Transparent Collaboration: Foster transparent and open collaboration with clients, ensuring their vision is not only realized but enhanced through our expertise and dedication to their aspirations.

  • Legacy of Pride: Aspire to leave a legacy of pride, where every completed project becomes a testament to our dedication to excellence, sustainability, and the positive transformation of Africa's built environment.
  • Services


    It is not just about putting lines together... It is designing functionable human nitches suiting the environment which is principally centered around the habitant or client

    Civil Engineering and Eco-construction

    Structural integrity, serviceability and cost effectiveness under the barnner of ecosystem protection are the pillarstones as far as GreIn is concerned

    Environmental consulting

    Taking into consideration the impact of our projects on the environment as well as auditing the impacts of already existing projects helps us acheive propper nature conservation in our work

    Project and Construction Management

    At GreIn, we do not just model conceive and design. We take our clients from just a thought, to reality, observing top notch proffessionalism and an agile system in our execution

    Boreholes and sanitation

    In order to make our achievements efficient in the areas of water, we carry out drilling with a pumping system for any height and integrated filtration for direct consumption or various everyday tasks. GreIn promotes healthy living

    Our Portfolio

    Hey! stop and take a look at some of the work we have done.
    We continue to work at GreIn so that you can always be satisfied... an unhappy client equals failure to us!

    • All Projects
    • Architecture
    • Construction

    Architecture 1


    Construction 2


    Architecture 2


    Construction 1


    Architecture 3


    Construction 3



    Happy Clients




    Hours Of Support


    Hard Workers

    Recent News

    Keep up with the latest updates about GreIn Engineering and other trends in the industry


    GreIn Engineering is going international

    Recent discussions with international collaborators are around the close, as GreIn Engineering's CEO and founder...


    GreIn Engineering's first anniversary

    Grein Engineering celebrates her first anniversary on the 19th of May 2022. It had been a wonderful year...


    International day of comunities 2021

    The Yaoundé multipurpose sports complex hosted the international day of communities on the 7th of December 2021...

    Our Team

    Meet the GreIn family!!!

    The architects and engineers at the fore front, redifining the world

    Patrick Fonkou

    Chief Executive Officer Environmental engineer

    Toche Franck

    Team innovation lead Architect

    Ebong William

    Contract acquisition lead Environmental engineer

    Tsanga Anita

    Interior architecture lead Architect

    Wayag Samuel

    Grand projects coordinator Civil engineer

    Donfack Andy

    Marketing & Communications lead Environmental engineer

    Babagnak Manuella

    Energy efficiency specialist Architect

    Leche Romauld

    Renovation services coordinator Civil engineer

    Ellong Justine

    Finishing services coordinator Architect

    Foumane Stephane

    Project conception lead Civil Engineer

    Contact Us

    Our Address

    Tradex Simbock, Yaounde III - Cameroon

    Email Us

    Call Us

    +39 320 962 4929
    +237 695 871 181